At DREAM Wellness, we define wellness to the best of our ability. However, wellness has been one of the most misused words for the past decade. Many people incorrectly use it synonymously with health. (Rule of thumb; if it’s not spelled the same, it probably doesn’t mean the same!) Many practitioners use it the same as heatlh care. They actually call their medical offices, wellness centers because it seems to be “the word” to use.
When we refer to wellness, we are very conscious of the words we choose. If it doesn’t involve action, choices and lifestyle, then it isn’t really wellness. Again, we defined wellness as the complete integration of mind, body and spirit affecting not only your visible body parts, but also the trillions of cells that make up your entire body. It is a proactive approach toward creating physical, mental, social and spiritual harmony.
Wellness can be demonstrated on a spectrum from 1-10; 10 being an optimal wellness lifestyle and 1 being filled with sickness and dis-ease.
See the graph below:
Unfortunately, many people live in the middle, as a 5, with False Wellness. These people don’t do much to ensure a healthy lifestyle, and they are often the ones who feel good when they go to sleep and wake up the next morning in crisis; whether it be heart disease, cancer or diabetes. We have to understand that the choices that we make and the actions which we take will determine our wellness destiny.
Are all diseases guarenteed to be avoided if you live a “10” wellness lifestyle? Of course not! But if you rinse with mouthwash, floss and brush your teeth daily are you guarenteed to not get tooth decay? So why do you do it? Common sense; I know; you put the odds in your favor with good choices and actions!