Have you ever wondered why the best athletes in the world have coaches? With their physical ability coupled with a desire to lead the field, you’d think they could accomplish all of their personal goals by themselves. What could a coach possibly bring to the table that they themselves don’t already possess? With so many different coaches out there, why would they spend so much of their time and resources trying to find the right one?
Perhaps you are not the best athlete in the world. Perhaps you don’t even like sports but are looking to improve your appearance naturally by losing a few pounds. Maybe you are an individual who is stuck in 4th gear when you know there’s a 5th. Perhaps you are a smoker who is looking to make your New Year’s resolution of becoming a non-smoker stick once and for all.
Regardless of the reason, DREAM Wellness offers our custom-tailored coaching program to finally get you over the hump and help you accomplish those goals that have always seemed to elude you. Perhaps you are an individual who has obtained the goals you have set for yourself however you can never seem to sustain them.
Here at DREAM Wellness, we believe that you can accomplish more with a team than you can on your own. We adhere to a simple philosophy…You should never sacrifice short term gain at the expense of long term vision. As such, teamwork makes the DREAM work. Let’s face it…with life moving at such a fast pace, it is extremely difficult to hold ourselves accountable and maintain our focus on the goals which we set for ourselves. A coach provides not only an accountability partner, but a trusted advisor who can keep pushing you forward when you feel like throwing in the towel.
Imagine having a personal tour guide through Whole Foods to help demystify those labels that create so much confusion for you. Imagine having the certainty to know which exercise regimen makes the most sense for your particular body and not someone else’s. How cool would it feel to know that you are in the driver’s seat when it comes to picking out a mattress that suits your body style and whether you should choose a cervical pillow, traditional pillow or a custom measured My-Fit Pillow based on your unique measurements? Should you be wearing custom stabilizers in your shoes or do your shoes offer the right kind of arch support on their own? Should you eliminate carbohydrates from your diet or choose low-fat or no-fat options? Is going gluten-free the way to go or should you eliminate dairy to get rid of those unwanted stomach pains once and for all? Which is the best technique to meditate and would Yoga or Pilates be a better choice to strengthen your core?
Having a personal wellness coach removes the guesswork and replaces it with a sense of certainty. Imagine what you’ll be able to accomplish when you realize that the current roadblocks standing in your way were nothing more than self-imposed limitations waiting to be conquered.
If you are interested to learn how a wellness coach from DREAM Wellness can help change your life, complete the form below.