Please complete these intake forms prior to your visit. I apologize ahead of time for having so many questions. I have legal obligations to obtain as much information about your health as possible AND the information you provide us gives me the best opportunity possible to provide you with the best care.
Prior to your Chiropractic visit:
For 2 hours prior to the exam, please try and refrain from exercising, drinking caffeinated beverages, taking any type of stimulants or any non-essential medications, getting a massage, acupuncture, physical therapy, etc. Because we are examining the performance of your nervous system, it is important that we remove as many variables as possible that may affect the accuracy of our testing.
Additionally, wearing comfortable clothing such as shorts or yoga pants is advised. If you have any previous examination results from other healthcare providers including X-Rays, MRIs and diagnosis reports, please bring those as well.
Please click here to access the intake forms and I look forward to seeing you soon!