Many people consume “nutritious” foods on a daily basis, yet they still end up mal-nourished. Common causes of mal-nourishment include foods that may not be right for that person’s body type, the preparation may be sub par, the source of the food is not optimal or their digestive organs may not be breaking down foods adequately and bringing out the maximum nutrition! This program is designed to get you well nourished within 90 days / 5 visits!
Program Outline:
Prior to First Visit
Fill out the System Survey and turn back in to the front desk
Visit 1 (collecting info) – 30-45 minutes
Nutritional Exam
- Body systems analysis, system function, case history, challenges/concerns
Digestive Palpation Test – Examining for inflammation and discomfort through physical palpation of the digestive system
Homework – 7-day Food Diary, goals and roadblocks (to be completed and brought in at Visit 2)
Go over the possible upcoming Cleanse, optional/additional fees, make next appointment
Visit 2 (approximately 30 minutes)
Nutritional Results – go over Nutritional Results and suggested adjustments
Collect 7-day Food Diary
Go over Goals and Roadblocks
Take home any supplements
Make next appointment
Visit 3 (approximately 45 minutes)
Review Food Diary
Shopping Guides
Cooking Guides
- Fats and Oils
- Cooking Whole Grains
- Preparation
- Healthy tips and what to avoid
Visit 4
Touch-Base phone call (approximately 30 minutes)
Check-in – Food Diary, supplements, changes noticed, modifications
Cleanse Prep – if applicable.
- Begin pulling out certain elements, pick up cleanse kit, start in a week.
- Reducing Blocking Factors and Toxic Load
Visit 5 (approximately 30 minutes)
Modifications, adjustments, implementing back
Other aspects included:
Digestion, fiber, and water
Sleep, exercise, sunshine, relaxation/recovery
Cycling foods
Raw vs. cooked